
Political Frequencies

Below is a partial word frequency list for Bush's 28 June speech on Iraq. Peter Pereira's post pointed me to the program I used, ConcApp.

I eliminated the smaller, high frequency words such as "a", "the", "this", etc. I left the pronouns—they strike me as critical in the rhetoric of unifying the "us" against the ominous "they."

The list seems easily to capture the major themes and line drawing of the speech.

Unique words = 990 Total words = 3688
Rank Word Frequency
6 we 76
8 our 67
12 Their 39
13 they 39
14 will 36
16 Iraqi 32
17 Iraq 29
18 Iraqis 24
20 terrorists 23
23 I 21
25 freedom 20
28 Forces 19
32 fight 15
35 military 14
36 security 14
37 us 14
38 free 13
41 people 13
42 troops 13
43 war 13
44 you 13
46 them 12
48 world 11
49 your 11
51 men 10
52 mission 10
55 Coalition 9
56 defend 9
57 New 9
58 these 9
60 today 9
61 America 8
64 enemy 8
65 elections 8
68 Nation 8

Not sure when I'll have time to get to it (the "to read" pile is tall enough to kill me in an earthquake), but I'm really looking forward to reading Paul Chilton's Analysing Political Discourse: Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2004).

UPDATE Looks like I wasn't the only one who had the idea. See here and here.


Perloff Interview & Article

New interview at The Argotist. Note the reference towards the end to working on material concerning Oulipo.

And here is what might be a preview over at Jacket.


Botanicals: Sketches in Fiber

Ann Maki (aka "the ex") has a show at ArtFX.

The Small Box

The Oulipo site posts a constraint of the month. This month, it's <<petite boîte>> or "small box," created by Jacques Jouet.

A "small box" has six lines with syllable counts of 7 7 8 ? 8 7. Line 4 consists of a single word, the word put in the "box." The lines don't rhyme and form a single sentence. And those lines cannot contain any words in the same grammatical category as the word in line 4. That is, if line 4 is a noun, it's the only noun in the poem.

It should be interesting to see how well it works in English. Maybe the syllable counts should be converted to feet (3 3 4 ? 4 3) given the different metrical systems. Or not.


iPod Celtic Cross

Divination meets the Friday Random Ten here.


Double-Plus Ungood

Newspeak and corporate complicity in cyberspace. An object lesson in the homologies of monopoly capitalism and totalitarianism?


Dedication of the Ronald Johnson Memorial

Photos of the event in Topeka, Kansas.

My Summer Reading List