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- Oh, Canada
- Windows Error Code of the Day
- Because Nothing Else Matters
- Proposition 8 in Redmond
- Wave
- The Writer's Craft
- John McCain's Leadership
- Fear or Hope: Two Speeches, 9/23/2008
- It's About Choice
- The Graphs of Life
- November 2004
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- Al Filreis
- Apmonia (Samuel Beckett Blog)
- As/Is
- Atlas Press
- Baghdad Burning
- Bitch Ph.D.
- Blue Tattoo
- Book of Kells (Kelli Russell Agodon)
- Buffyverse Dialogue Database
- The Buffy Trivia Guide
- Cahiers de Corey
- Center for Literary Computing (West Virginia University)
- Shanna Compton
- Computer Writing Tools
- Catherine Daly's Blog
- DIY Publishing + DIY Pub Web Ring
- Dumbfoundry
- Eclipse
- Electronic Literature Organization
- Electronic Poetry Center (U Buffalo)
- Exquisite Corpse
- Kathlenn Flenniken
- Paul Fournel
- Jeannine Hall Gailey
- The Germ
- Christine Hamm
- Harlequin Knights
- Here Comes Everybody (interviews)
- The Holocaust History Project
- Home-Schooled by a Cackling Jackal
- hor.de
- Jacket Magazine
- JewishyIrishy (Laurel Snyder)
- Kootenay School of Writing
- Language Log
- Libération
- {LIME TREE} (K. Silem Mohammad)
- litwindowpane
- Mind Hacks
- The Modern Word
- Nick Montfort
- Monty Python Sketches
- My Underwear Is On Backwards
- The Nature of Too Bad (Wyatt Bonikowski)
- Nice Marmot (Shad Marsh)
- Nomadics (Pierre Joris)
- No Tell Motel
- Odalisqued
- Once Upon a Time
- Oulipo (French, Official Site)
- Pamela's Musings
- Pharyngula
- The Pinocchio Theory (Steven Shaviro)
- poems that GO
- Poe-Query (Joannie Stangeland)
- Poesy Galore (Emily Lloyd)
- Radish King
- Ravenna Press
- reli[e]able signs (Gina Franco)
- Rhubarb is Susan
- Ron Silliman
- Seattle Surrealist Group
- Släpkoppel
- Spineless Books (lots of tools & prompts)
- Subtext
- This Recording
- Ubu Web
- Ululations (Nada Gordon)
- The Virtual World
- With Hammer and Tongs...